
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Google Release New Stable Version Of Chrome 7

Google recently released a new stable version of its Chrome browser. Version 7.0.517.41 includes hundreds of bug fixes, an updated HTML5 parser, the File API, and directory upload via input tag, Google said. The release is available in the stable and beta channels now for windows, Mac and Linux. The main focus was the hundreds of bug fixes, Jeff Chang, a Google product manager, wrote in a blog post. "We've also included a few other things that may be for interest to developers, such as full AppleScript support on Mac OS X four UI automation and implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm, the File API, and directory upload", Chang wrote."Also, if you choose to block sites from setting any data in your browser's content settings for cookies, you can now use a new dialog for managing blocked cookies in bulk." Google also addressed possible autofill?autocomplete profile spamming and crashes that occurred on shutdown with Web Sockets, among other things. The update a part of Google's july pledge to publish an new stable version of Chrome about every six weeks - about twice as often as previous releases. Last month, Google released Chrome 6, which extended Chrome's JavaScript speed lead and pared down and already trim design.