
Monday, October 18, 2010

America: First flight of a fighter jet with bio-fuel

Today global warming is one of the biggest issue of the world. Scientists are constantly alert from the rise in global temperature. To deal with it they give proposal to reduce emission of the green house gases and the petroleum products have the biggest part of it. This is why in developed countries methods of fueling cars with Natural gas, Bio-Technology and Hydrogen Cell are continuously growing.

This technology now reached to fighter jets. According to International media  U.S. naval air wing make a successful experiment of  flying  their latest FA18 Super Hornet jet with bio-fuel partially.

This bio-fuel is taken from flowers of a wild plant named "Camelina". During the last two years worldwide at least 6 military and commercial aircraft are experimented to fly on bio-fuel. These experiments took place between Houston and Tokyo.
Now to get Bio-fuel Camelina plants are being given priority. Behind it the reason is that its not very necessary to find fertile ground for it and it also not require to much fertilizers and water,for this its not a threat for other cash crops like cotton or wheat. After seeing its popularity japan airline and japan air-force also started experiments on this project.

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