
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nokia Siemens Networks Works to Improve Device Battery Life

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) says that it has successfully conducted the world's first call using a network technology known as "continuous packet connectivity" (CPC).
Once incorporated into an operator's HSPA+ network, it's claimed that CPC will enable 3G users to enjoy significantly longer device battery life.
According to NSN, CPC can mean up to 100 per cent longer battery life when devices are used for data applications, and up to 50 per cent during voice calls. During extended HSPA data sessions, there are typically long periods of idle time between transmissions of data packets, during which a device continues to use its battery. CPC uses the "discontinuous transmission and reception" method to shut down the device's transmitter and receiver during the idle phases to reduce power consumption. NSN adds that it has no effect on the actual data rates experienced by the end-user. HSPA+ is also known as Evolved HSPA and has been developed by the 3GPP standards group. It enhances basic HSPA technology and provides data rates up to 56Mbps on the downlink and 22Mbps on the uplink.

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