
Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Car With the Speed of 1000 mph will have Intel inside

The 1000 mph Bloodhound Super Sonic Car (SSC) will feature Intel atom processors as part of its engine control and display systems. The SSC is being developed to run at 1,050 mph and will attempt beat the land speed record in 2012. Intel says that "the processors, similar to those used in netbooks, haven been specifically designed for use in industrial and automotive applications and were chosen for their power saving and performance prowess".
Bloodhound Super Sonic Car (SSC)
Three atom processors will manage the calculation behind the car's propulsion system which features the largest hybrid rocket ever designed in Europe and a jet engine from a Typhoon fighter aircraft. Each atom chip will be checking the others calculation to guarantee there are no errors. Another processor will be used to relay this and other status information, stored on an internal SSD chip, back to the driver, on the cockpit displays.

Four other processors will be used as part of the controls systems that will enable driver wing commander Andy Green to keep the car on a smooth trajectory during its record breaking attempts. He will be using winglets on the car to control both lift and down force in real-time, and his inputs will be translated by the control systems so that they can adjust the stability accordingly. Intel adds that its Atom processor run at speeds of 1.6 GHz allowing for lightening fast response time during the mere seconds it will take for SSC to travel each measured miles that are part of it s land speed record attempt.

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